Sunday, January 1, 2012

new year 2012.

i cannot believe that 2011 came and is gone already. i feel like i just got use to writing 2011 on everything. i have come such a long way since new years day last year. the past year has had so many ups and downs, but the ups outweigh the down by far. for every bad thing that happened, i can count ten good things that happened.
here is a list of things that i have loved about 2011.

  • watching atty grow to be a beautiful, healthy one year old.
  • i accomplished my goal of breastfeeding for a year.(i think i'm stuck in it or the long run.)
  • me and atty have had the privilege of spending a lot of time with the family doing fun things. like the zoo, dinosaur museum, tulip festival, farm land, temple square, and a trip to idaho.
  • i started cosmetology school, realized i hated it, and quit.
  • i've moved on from someone i thought i would never be able to.
  • i got my ged. finally.
  • i met an amazing boy that i can actually see myself with.
these are some things i am hoping for 2012.
  • be the best mom i can possibly be.
  • eat healthy, and work out. 
  • cut back on soda.
  • do better at documenting important things that happen.
  • start school again.
  • be positive and happy with myself.
  • make new friends.
  • complete my 365 project.
  • blog more.
  • read at least one book a month.
  • care more about how i look.
  • grow my hair out.
  • work my hardest things to make things work each relationship. friends, family, boyfriend, etc.
  • let people know more often how much they mean to me, and how thankful i am for them
  • finish attys room.
  • take more pitures with atty
that's not even all, but all i can think of for right now(:
here's a picture of atty january 1, 2011 and one from today!

1 comment:

susette said...

So happy you're blogging again. It's so darling and fun to watch Atty grow through your photos.